eBook EN Building without borders - J F, architektura, Architecture

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Advance Praise for
Building Without Borders
Building Without Borders
is the most important recent book on
sustainable building, because it’s about serving those in greatest need of
inexpensive, efficient, and culturally and locationally appropriate housing — the
world’s poorest billions. From Manila to Mexico City, Calcutta to Caracas, Nairobi
to Rio de Janeiro, vast teeming slums shame us all and dim the human prospect.
Building Without Borders
shows practical ways to make the world
better and safer, one dwelling at a time.
, CEO, Rocky Mountain Institute and
sustainable home owner/designer
Building Without Borders
shows, with an elegant and understated
flourish, that housing the world’s burgeoning population is not an intractable
problem — that the poor and displaced can and do house themselves with
affordable solutions, and that the best of these have a sensitivity to the
human ecology that points us all to a better future.
— A
, President, Global Ecovillage Network
The book we all have waited for. Quite unique in development literature, and
full of thought-provoking case studies, applicable to our own housing problems.
Empowering and encouraging.
— I
is owner/director of the North American School of Natural Building
and Cob Cottage Company, co-author of
The Hand-Sculpted House
Helping People in Poor Countries
 Advance Praise continued
Rarely does one movement address so many needs so elegantly.
Building without Borders
, an articulate, caring community of
natural builder/activists recounts everything from the housing and ecological
problems to be addressed, to the nuts and bolts (or mud and straw) of the
building techniques employed, to the complex social issues of how
white Americans can work effectively with indigenous people worldwide,
and ultimately the satisfaction of housing people while teaching them
skills they can use to house others.The world is a richer place
for the work that is chronicled here, and my own
world is richer for having read about it.
, eco-architect,
Natural Home Magazine
and author of
Healing Environments
This book is truly inspirational and a great source of information
for those wanting to enter the world of development and low cost sustainable
building. As a natural building development worker, I have been waiting for
a book like this to again feel reconnected with all the activities going
on in this field. It would be fantastic if there were a new volume
that came out every decade to present the contemporary
problems of this forever changing global crisis.
— P
, author,
Building With Earth,
Building Without Borders
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